Why Your Property Needs a Real Estate Video Tour in San Jose
A real estate video tour in San Jose taken by one of our professional videographers.
Real estate video tours are no longer an optional extra – nowadays you need them to be competitive. If you’re not investing in a video tour for your listing in San Jose, you’re most likely delaying its sale and may be eventually pushed to accept an offer below your asking price. Here are five reasons why your property needs a real estate video tour in San Jose.
1. Your Leads Have Come to Expect Video Tours
With periodic lockdowns, social distancing precautions and evolving streaming technologies at play, buyers have come to expect property listings to come complete with video tours. Photos may be sufficient for some leads, however, while a significant section of your market will want to see a video tour. A video tour will help you appeal to as many leads as possible.
2. To Allow for Safe 24/7 Viewings
A real estate video tour in San Jose will safely increase the number of viewings to your property. Open houses aren’t allowed right now during the Covid-19 pandemic, but video tours can be accessed 24/7 including after-hours, on weekends and public holidays. They are not affected by lockdowns or social distancing directives. Property sellers, realtors and leads can view the property online repeatedly without health concerns.
A real estate video tour which includes drone videography to give leads a sense of the neighborhood.
3. To Generate Online Buzz – Video Tours Are Shareable
A real estate video tour in San Jose can generate online buzz for the property. Interested parties can share the links with friends, family members or business partners, increasing the amount of online traffic your property receives and the probability of a sale at your asking price. On top of that, videos generally have higher engagement on social media than photos meaning they usually have more views and are far more likely to be shared.
4. A Real Estate Video Tour Creates a Great First Impression
Video tours can beautifully showcase your entire property and achieve lasting first impressions. If you purchased a video tour for your listing, it creates the impression that the property is valuable and worth promoting.
5. To Remain Competitive
The good news is that San Jose currently has a strong sellers’ market and a rising appreciation rate. To take advantage of this, you need strong marketing tools to promote your listing. If you don’t use a video tour, you might be leaving money on the table.
Property listings can be likened to takeaway menus on a food delivery app. You can instill a sense of consumer confidence into your potential customer if your menu contains quality photos of each item and a detailed listing of all the ingredients. It’s what the buyer wants and expects. Takeaway food and real estate differ greatly in terms of the product type, but the buyer behavior is similar. Unless your listing has a professional video tour, it makes it very easy for your lead to flick past your listing and follow up a competitor’s property instead. If you want to sell your listing faster and over your asking price, hire a professional to create a real estate video tour of your San Jose property today.
Slava Blazer Photography has been helping homeowners and realtors to sell their properties in San Jose for over 12 years. We offer stunning state-of-the-art services in real estate photography, 3D virtual tours and video tours, with our customer satisfaction shown by our 170+ five star reviews on Yelp and Google. Let us help you showcase your listing today.